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Election Administraion

All elections for individuals or legislation effecting the Village of Clinton or the school district, county, state, or federal government.


Polling Place for February 18, 2025 Primary Election (if needed)

Village of Clinton Village Hall 

301 Cross Street

Clinton, WI 5352

Hours on Election Day

 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. 


Reminder: Bring Photo I.D.

Voter Registration

The State of Wisconsin requires all voters to be registered prior to casting a ballot for any election.  Once registered in a municipality the voter is placed on a poll list used by election inspectors on the day of the election.  In Wisconsin, anyone not included on the poll list who can provide proof of residency in that municipality for at least twenty eight (28) days prior to the election may register to vote at the polling place.

People who wish to register prior to the election may visit the Administration Office at 301 Cross Street for an application, which may be mailed to Village Hall along with proof of residence:

Village of Clinton / Attn: Village Clerk / PO Box 129 / Clinton, WI 53525

You may also register to vote on line by going to

Voter Eligibility

Prior to voting, an individual needs to be registered. Individuals who have been a resident of the village for at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the election day are eligible to vote. 

You may register to vote and request an absentee ballot at My Vote Wisconsin

For any questions using this website, please contact the Village Clerk at 608-676-5304

Voter Registration

Voting By Absentee Ballot

Absentee voting provides an opportunity for a voter to cast a ballot before Election Day.  Absentee ballots are either mailed to the voter and physically returned to the municipal clerk or returned by mail, or voted in the administration office during early in person voting.  In order to receive an absentee ballot, the voter must be registered to vote in the Village of Clinton, and must complete and return an application.  The form may be accessed by contacting the Municipal Clerk at (608) 676-5304 or you may also request and track an absentee ballot online at  A person submitting an absentee ballot application must include a copy of an unexpired photo I.D.


Candidate Nomination


Election Day Registration

To register on Election Day, the voter needs to have his/her Wisconsin driver's license number, and a document that proves twenty eight (28) day residence in The Village of  Clinton, such as a lease or utility bill.  If the voter does not have a valid Wisconsin driver's license, he/she may use the last four digits of the Social Security number.  You must have a valid photo I.D.


Finding the Polling Place

Voters can only vote at the polling place which corresponds to their residential address.  Locate a polling place by contacting the administration office or checking on the Internet at

Residents of the Village of Clinton vote at the Village Hall located at 301 Cross Street.  Residents of the surrounding towns (even if you have a Clinton mailing address), must vote at your township.  


Election Observers

Election observers are welcome at every polling place, but they must follow the instructions of the chief election inspector, and may not interact with voters.  Rules for election observers are available at the polling place and on the G.A.B. website at  An observer must register immediately with the chief election inspector.


Ballot Mistakes

Voters who mistakenly mark their ballot may ask for a new ballot.  Voters are allowed no more than three ballots.  In the case of touch-screen voting equipment, the voter will review ballot choices before affirming the final vote.


Wearing Political Items

Voters are asked not to wear political clothing or paraphernalia to the polling place on Election Day.  The chief election inspector may ask voters who are judged to be electioneering or creating a disturbance to leave the polling place.


In Line When the Polls Close

Voters who are standing in line waiting to vote when the polling place closes at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day will be permitted to vote.  No one will be able to join the line after the official closing of the polls at 8:00 p.m.


Photo ID Required?

An unexpired photo ID is required of voters at the polling place on Election Day, but the driver's license number may be used to register to vote or to prove residency if the address on the ID is current.


Challenging a Voter

There are specific criteria and limitations on challenging a person's eligibility to vote.  The chief election inspector can explain the challenge process and provide the voter and the challenger with explanatory documents.


News Media Recording

The news media may record the general voting process in the polling place with permission from the chief election inspector, but may not record how any individual voter votes (shooting footage of a ballot, for example) or interrupt the orderly process of voting.

Election FAQ's

Contact Us

Village Of Clinton 

301 Cross Street

P.O. Box 129
Clinton, WI 53525

(608) 676-5304

Village Hall Hours

Monday - Thursday   

8:00 am - 2:00 pm


8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Village OF Clinton Logo

Thanks for submitting!

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